my coffee biography?

I’ve been known to have strong opinions about anything. I’ve judged people’s drinks and people’s distant relationships to things I cared about. I never obsessed about interests, I mostly obsess over talking about my interests.

I loved Sant’ Eustacchio (tough one to go back to) and Tazza d’Oro, I had a crush on tattooed millennials working the bar in the first Specialty Coffee Shops I set foot in. I felt ambivalent or neutral about some of the coffees I’d love to have on my shelf right now.

As cocky or absolute as some of this site’s content might appear, please know that it comes from a place of wonder and yearning and I’m gonna disagree with myself by the time you’ve read most of it.

I have been irregularly unloading onto this page and periodically, I find I come back to old opinions from new angles. These articles are an unserious attempt at keeping a journal of my serious thoughts. But who’s the serious creature behind it all you ask?

I’ve been working at Kaffeefabrik, Vienna, for over two years now. I used to run their market stand, which made me appreciate the sales aspect of specialty coffee (which is still heavily disregarded as a skill to have). I got to find my ways into cup tasting championships, creating recipes, quality control and documentation as well as writing and researching online content. I enjoy working in a very democratic team so a lot of my effort goes into to enabling or supplying improvements and changes from within.

Yes, I’m that babyfaced nobody that got second place at my first Brewers Cup attempt in 2024. If you’re very into that kinda stuff, read about the immense amount of work that goes into that.

PS: feel free to let me know if you’d like english versions of any german content.

slurp slurp

JOHnny, Warum tu ich mir das An verdammt?

I’m the best at doing this just as a funky canephora is gonna be the best filter coffee in any roaster’s portfolio. A few of you might agree but most of you are gonna strongly disagree or feel irritated. Just let these texts live peacefully to the end of their shelf-life if they’re not your cup of filter. :)